I feel deeply privileged to have been one of the thousands of students of HaRav Professor Nachum Eliezer Rabinovitch זצ"ל, who recently passed away at the age of 92. Rav Rabinovitch was one of the greatest leaders of religious Zionism, a respected posek halacha and an illustrious figure who for many years was the Rosh Yeshiva, of the Hesder Yeshiva "Birkat Moshe" in Maale Adumim.
Rav Rabinovitch זצ"ל educated us towards independent thinking. When a student would ask him a question, he would always reply with a question, "and what do you think?" His motto was that the Yeshiva is not a factory where everyone should think the same way, but all students must develop their own independent thinking.
One of the many things that I learned from Rav Rabinovitch was the connection between the world of Torah and the world of academics. Rav Professor Rabinovitch זצ"ל served for many years as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Orot Israel College thus strengthening this important connection.
I plan to continue his legacy at Orot Israel College. Our students are taught to be inquisitive and to ask the questions. This prepares them to be better teachers who will encourage their students to always ask questions and to broaden their horizons.
Rav Rabinovitch's passing away is a great loss, not only to Yeshivat Birkat Moshe, but also to Am Yisrael as well. I would like to take this opportunity to convey Orot Israel College's heartfelt condolences to Yeshivat Birkat Moshe as well as to the entire Rabinovitch Family. יהי זכרו ברוך
I want to take this opportunity to thank Orot's staff for "virtually" being there for our students during COVID-19.
Best wishes for a Chag Shavuot Sameach!
Professor Yuval Sinai, President of Orot Israel College