Rabbanit Dr. Nomi Shachor from Orot Israel College was invited as Scholar in Residence for Shabbat on November 22-23, 2019 to Hampstead Garden Suburb Synagogue in London, England. In collaboration with the World Bible Quiz, Rabbanit Shachor gave a lesson about the importance of teaching Tanach to the Limudei Kodesh teachers at the Immanuel College. Orot Israel College thanks HGSS who sponsored Rabbanit Shachor's visit to London and enabled Rabbanit Shachor to give the class to the Immanuel College Limudei College staff.
At HGSS where hundreds of congregants attended the shiuruim, Rabbanit Dr. Nomi Shachor lectured on many diverse topics such as: "Lech Dodi-was it there all the time; Jewish history in Bible commentary-Torah commentary influenced by the Polemics with non-Jews; Changing of the guard- in the Parasha and in the Haftorah; Does the "Circle of Life" really move us all?
Orot Israel College President ,Prof. Yuval Sinai illuminates: “Orot Israel College, whose graduates are teaching Torah all over the Jewish world, is happy to be a part of the renewal of Torah education in the Jewish education field in the Diaspora."
Nomi Spanglet, the Director of Resource Development and Public Relations at Orot, initiated the successful and enlightening Shabbat visit in London