Study Days For Young Women in National Service (Sherut Leumi)


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sherut Leumi

Over the past few weeks we conducted a number of seminars for young women who are doing National Service through the auspices of the “Bat Ami” and “Aminadav” non-profit associations. The purpose of these study days was to give these women tools to be able to cope on a day to day basis in their places of service. Each of these days began with opening greetings from the Dean of Students, Rabbanit Dr. Leah Vizel; as well as with a narrated dance performance conducted by our Dance majors under the tutelage of Sharona Florsheim.

The days continued with a choice of workshops led by our college instructors for the women to choose from. Among the instructors participating were: Ms. Bella Even-Chen, Ms. Ruth Brock, Rabbi Reuven Spolter, Ms. Sarit Gizbar, Ms. Shlomit Sugarman, Dr. Aliza Lipsker, Ms. Tziona Ben- Porat, Ms. Rachel Nachum, and Ms. Meirav Gur Arieh. In addition there was a workshop which was led by our Dance majors themselves.

The workshops covered several heavy topics such as self- empowerment and personal development, the giving of one-on-one instruction, being able to recognize signs of distress, and dealing with disciplinary issues. And lighter workshop topics such as theater, dance, and arts and crafts dedicated to Jerusalem. The purpose of the workshops was to empower these young women, and to prove them with the necessary tools to be able to handle day to day situations during their National Service.

Towards the end of the day, everyone gathered in the auditorium to hear fascinating talks by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman and Ms. Shlomit Sugarman. Aside from the practical and useful “tools” which these women came away with, this enjoyable day gave them a much needed respite from their busy routine.