With the outbreak of COVID-19 in Israel on March 17th, the Orot Israel College administration and office staff were required to stay home and go into the country wide "lockdown". The prohibition on frontal instruction in the classrooms generated online Zoom courses for our students, enabling them to pursue their degree studies without interruption.
Dr. Zipi Rhein, Director of the Orot Family Center, gave and continues to give online guidance sessions on Facebook focusing on family relations during the Covid-19 crisis, with the constant stress of being at home 24/7 with spouses and children.
In addition, a free hotline was set up for students in distress, in order to help them cope with the many challenges presented by the pandemic.
To enable registration for the coming academic year to continue, Orot initiated Zoom meetings with heads of departments and potential new students.
Orot Israel College is happy to announce that as of May 10th our offices have reopened and all social distancing and other health regulations are enforced. Unfortunately, classes will continue to be online due to current Ministry of Health restrictions. We look forward to seeing our students in person in the near future!