Dr. Talia Perlshtein, Head of the Dance and Movement Track at Orot Israel College, shares her thoughts and feelings about the multi-faceted challenges of teaching dance classes online and the amazing change that took place in the dance studio at Orot Israel College.
Overcoming the academic challenges of COVID-19 by providing a wonderful opportunity for lecturers from different fields at Orot's two campuses to learn what is being done in other research fields at the College.
Eyal Ram, Deputy Director of the Israeli Ministry of Education, expressed his great appreciation for this unique program and promised to convey his very positive impression of this important program to the Ministry of Education.
The Rabbis and Rabbaniot at Orot led me to a road of self-discovery, instilled in me the love of learning, inspired me to become a better version of me, and molded my character to what it is today.
The program focuses on the theme of "The Woman and the Family" and the courses touch on a variety of aspects from our Jewish literature.
I hope that you will always remember your year at Orot as one of the most uplifting times of your young adult years and cherish the lasting memories and friendships.
Today more than ever, as COVID-19 runs its course, teachers must learn to swiftly design learning materials that are suitable for remote teaching, to protect the language learning of their students.
A survey was conducted by the Student Association through the Maagar Mochot Institute, Israel's leading research institute, which examined the satisfaction of students in academic institutions in Israel,